In one study, participants who kept a gratitude diary and reflected on what they were grateful for just four times a week for three weeks improved ...
原文 (12/47)
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  • 350 P
In one study, participants who kept a gratitude diary and reflected on what they were grateful for just four times a week for three weeks improved their depression, stress and happiness scores.
The Many Health Benefits of Gratitude.
翻译 (1)
한 연구에서, 3주동안 단지 일주일에 네번 감사일기를 쓰며 감사함을 느꼈던 것들에 대해 생각해보았던 참가자들은 우을증, 스트레스, 그리고 행복 지수를 높였습니다. 

감사함이 주는 여러가지 건강관련 이득.