경영학을 전공하는 학생들은 그를 존경한다. 그는 남다른 경영철학을 가지고 있으며 삼성이라는 회사를 전세계에 알렸다. 그의 아버지 이병철 회장은 미래에 반도체시장이 뜰 것이라는 것을 예측하여 우리나라에 최초로 반도체 회사를 설립했다.
경영학을 전공하는 학생들은 그를 존경한다. 그는 남다른 경영철학을 가지고 있으며 삼성이라는 회사를 전세계에 알렸다.
그의 아버지 이병철 회장은 미래에 반도체시장이 뜰 것이라는 것을 예측하여 우리나라에 최초로 반도체 회사를 설립했다.
翻译 (4)
Students majoring in business respect him. He has his own unique business philosophy and made Samsung known worldwide.
His father, president Lee Byung Cheol, predicted taht semi-conductor market will rise in the future, and established the first semi-conductor company in Korea.
Students who major in business administration admire him. He has unique management philosophy and has let the entire world know the company "Samsung". His father Lee Byung-chul expected the rise of semiconductor market in Korea and founded the first Korean semiconductor corporation.
Students majoring business administration respect him. He has his special management philosophy and has publicized the company "Samsung". 
His father Lee, Byeong-cheol established the first semiconductor company in Korea expecting the semiconductor market will be emerging.
Students whose major is business administration respect him. He has his own management philosophy and contributed his company, Samsung, to stamp its name on the world.
His father, president Lee Byung-chul had foreseen the semiconductor market will be the emerging industry, so he established a semiconductor company for the first time in Korea.
  • ddiamotony35 · 5年前