今天,我演讲的主题是不要失去你的梦想。什么是梦想?梦想是对未来的期待,也是鼓励你前进的动力。甚至可以说梦想就是你的信仰。我们都知道梦想是非常重要的东西,是我们不能失去的东西。但是,现如今,越来越多的人在生活的压力下逐渐失去梦想。他们活着是为了生存,而不是为自己而活。这样的生活很可怕。   在我看来,人就像汽车,梦想就像燃料。没有燃料的汽车寸步难行。人也是这样。没有梦想的人会找不到自己努力的目标,会失去前进的动力。所以,梦想是非常重要的,它能够给你带来希望,让你有坚持下去的动力。梦想是人在任何时候都不能失去的东


翻译 (1)
My topic today is not to lose your dreams.  What is dream? Dream is an expectation for the future and motivation that encourages you to go forward.  It's even fair to say that dream is your religion. We all know that dreams are important things that we cannot lose.  However, nowadays,  more and more people are gradually losing their dreams under the pressure of life.  They do not live for themselves. Instead they live simply for existence.  Such lives are terrible.  As for me, human beings are like cars and dream is the fuel.  A car without fuel can not make a single move.  It's the same for human beings.  A person without dreams will never find his or her target and they will lose their motivation.  Thus, dream is extremely important, which can bring you hope and motivation for your perseverance.  Dream is something that people cannot live without at all times.