我所毕业的初中和高中英语教学能力均较突出,且我从小对学习语言有浓厚兴趣,英语成绩优异。高中曾参加校内辩论赛并取得不错成绩,擅长思辨,语言表达能力较强。我善于与人交往,将来希望选择国际关系专业方向深造。巴黎七大是法国及欧洲顶级的研究型大学之一,我很荣幸能获得巴黎七大应用外语专业的录取机会。 我计划在法国完成一年半预科和五年本硕连读的学习。预科阶段尽快适应不同的环境,并打好语言基础。利用课余时间积极参加课外活动,练好口语。为本科阶段的学习打好基础。
翻译 (2)
The middle school and high school where I graduated from are known for their excellence in English instruction. Also, from young, I have always been passionate about learning languages, thus attaining stellar English results. In high school, I joined my school’s debate competition and did quite well. I am adept at debating and at expressing myself through language. I am skilled at communicating with others; that is why I hope to further my studies in international relations. Paris Diderot University is one of the leading research  universities in France and Europe, so I am very honored to be selected for your major in applied foreign language.
I plan to finish 1.5 years of preparatory studies and 5 years of direct Master’s degree studies in France. in the preparatory stage, I will adapt to a different environment as fast as possible and build a strong foundation in my language. I will make use of time outside the classroom to join extra-curricular activities so as to master oral speaking. This will enable me to build a solid foundation for the time I embark on my major.

The level of English teaching in my middle school and high school is outstanding. What's more, since I was a child, I have been interested in learning language. And my performance in English is excellent. Once I achieved a good place in school's debate competition. I am good at speculation and expressing myself in oral way.I am also good at getting along with others. Want to study more in internatioanl relationship major in the future. Paris Diderot is one of top research universities in France and Europe. I would be very honored if I could get accepted to study applied language major in Paris Diderot.
I plan to have preparatory course in one year and half, and five-years bachelors-masters course.During preparatory course, I will adapt myself to various environments and lay a good foundation for language. I will make full use of my after-class time to join extracurricular activities, improving my spoken language, making sufficient preparation for undergraduate courses.