#ASKKOBE# During my career, I experienced how sport transformed me into a better person, both mentally and physically. I hope to inspire more youngsters to participate in sports and improve. Ask me questions about TRANSFORMATION and I will give you my answers. 转发 @KobeBryant: #AskKobe# Raise your questions. I will be here to give you my answers. http://t.cn/EfpCUY2

在我的职业生涯中,我体会到了运动是如何从精神层面和身体层面让我成为一个更好的人。我希望鼓励更多的年轻人参与到运动中来,提高自己。询问我关于转变的问题,我会给出你我的答案。 转发 @KobeBryant: #AskKobe# 提出你的问题,我会在这里给你我的答案。 http://t.cn/EfpCUY2 ​

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