Welp, me and my son Kevin Hart finally made it to the big time. 
Billboards like this have been popping up in baby sections of grocery and drug stores all over the country.
I’m so proud of my lil’ chocolate biscuit son and I know he’s proud of his big, strong, handsome, sexy,...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2564959847/4309063283825097

好吧,我跟儿子Kevin Hart终于合体了。 这样的广告牌在全美杂货店和药店的婴儿用品区随处可见。 为我的小巧克力饼干儿子感到骄傲,我知道他肯定也为这个又大又壮又帅又性感又聪明的焦糖老爸感到骄傲。 我真的在乎么!想对这个蠢货的评价[弱][弱]! #我俩合体了# #我们应该去好莱坞#

^d000003799342 的翻译

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