Taylor Swift
I hadn’t done a Rolling Stone cover in 5 years, and hadn’t seen Brian Hiatt since I got in 2 car crashes while driving him around during our interview in 2012. 🤦‍♀️ There were no cars driven this time, but we had a lot to catch up on. Thank you Rolling Stone and Brian for...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/3981271467/4417974884815477

我五年没有做滚石的封面,并且自从在2012年我们采访期间我带着布莱恩 海特开车出了两次车祸之后就没再和他见过面。这次没有车可以开了,但是我们弥补了很多。感谢滚石和布莱恩…

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