回复@只爱强森一个人: Thank you! My strength comes from years of hard work, dedication and knowing I have the greatest fans who have helped me get to where I am today. 谢谢你!我的能力是经过多年的努力、付出获得的,还有我知道我有最好的粉丝,是他们帮助我走到了今天的位置。 转发 @TheRock_Johnson: Defining memories. Wow. 
Landed last night here in Calgary, Alberta Canada 🇨🇦 to continue shooting JUMANJI.
My brain was flooded with crazy experiences here.
This is the city where me having only $7 bucks in my pocket all began.
I have a deep reverence for this town ~ sh...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2564959847/4361954619603770
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