回复@只爱强森一个人: Yes I am! And for that, I’m raising a glass to you – the greatest fans of all time. 对我也是!所以我要为你们——有史以来最好的粉丝们干杯。//@只爱强森一个人:强森也是最杰出者影响力的人 强森敬自己了吗 转发 @TheRock_Johnson: 🥃cheers and what a night.
Taste testing my new brand of tequila, fresh out of the barrels from Mexico at 45,000ft.
Appropriately smooth (and sexy;) tasting considering I just delivered my end of the night toast to the most distinguished and influential people in the world at ...全文: http://m.weibo.cn/2564959847/4365057401790030
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